Cron & Scheduled Jobs

Jumpstart Pro has support for running periodic jobs in the background at scheduled times.

Whenever Gem

The whenever gem can be enabled in the Jumpstart Pro configuration wizard UI for managing cron jobs.

You can define cron jobs in config/schedule.rb.

We recommend designing your cron jobs to kick off workers so you can process (and retry) the scheduled jobs with your workers. supports cron jobs for each app. Add each cron job into the Cron section of your app and Hatchbox will configure your server's cron to run them.

For Heroku, you'll need to manually add your cron jobs to the Herkou Scheduler or use an alternative like Sidekiq Cron.

Sidekiq-Cron gem

If you're using Sidekiq, you might also consider using Sidekiq-Cron instead of whenever for running jobs. This will fire off new Sidekiq jobs based on your schedule and distribute the work across your sidekiq workers.