We've recorded a bunch of videos to help you get started with Jumpstart Pro in record time.
Getting Started with Jumpstart Pro
This screencast will walk you through cloning Jumpstart Pro's git repository, installing dependencies, and setting up your brand new application so you can easily merge updates from git.
Configuration with Jumpstart Pro
This screencast will walk you through Jumpstart Pro's configuration UI for enabling and disabling features.
TailwindCSS & TailwindUI with Jumpstart Pro
This screencast will walk you through using TailwindCSS & TailwindUI in your Jumpstart Pro Rails application.
API Tokens & Authentication with Jumpstart Pro
Learn how to use Jumpstart Pro's API tokens, authentication, and other features.
Creating Accounts on User Registration
Sometimes you might want to collect and create an Account when a user registers. It's pretty easy, so check out this video on how to do it.
How To Build a SaaS Product in Less than 10 minutes with Jumpstart Pro
Learn how to build a subscription video content business in under 10 minutes using Jumpstart Pro. This example is like building your own Netflix, Hulu, or GoRails including subscription payments.
How To Build a Forum with Jumpstart Pro
Watch how to build a forum from scratch using Jumpstart Pro.
Multitenancy Upgrade
Jumpstart Pro now supports Multitenancy, Current Attributes, sorting scaffolds and several other things out of the box. Learn how to upgrade an existing Jumpstart Pro application to support Multitenancy. If you're starting a new Jumpstart Pro application today, you'll already have all these features.